Little Florist

Product code: 9595500


Product Details

With our Little Florist DIY kit, you can make flowers with high quality foam, which gives them a soft touch. The foam sheets are easy to work with, making it easy for children to create and assemble bouquets. You can learn to create 16 different types of flowers and over 30 different fun facts about these flowers.

Encourages creativity and cognitive development

The use of the kit encourages one to be creative. Also the entire activity of crafting beautiful flowers gives one a sense of accomplishment.

A thorough guide to create beautiful bouquets

A picture speaks a thousand words. Keeping with this spirit, we have included a number of different pictures taking your little one through the entire journey of crafting the most beautiful flowers

Easy to follow instructions

The instructions provided are easy to follow. We have used images to guide your children through the entire process of making beautiful flowers.

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Make 16 foam flowers
Create a flower boquet
Learn 30+ fun facts about flowers
Die cut Foam -2mm-Flowers and Leaves-24 nos(7 colors), Die Cut Foam -5mm-Vase-4 nos.(Brown Colour), Stem-16 nos(8 Big)(8 small), Stem Top-16 nos, Pistil-16 nos, Leaf Nodes-16nos, Fun Fact Cards -7 nos, Instruction Booklet-1 no

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