P&l Lets Learn International Personalities

Product code: 9428400


Product Details

Puzzles are a good way of pacing up your child’s cognitive development. Therefore Funskool, India’s leading toy manufacturer has come up with this “world personalities” puzzles. This floor sized jigsaw puzzle is made of thick cardboard with child friendly colours. It contains 64 puzzle pieces(4×16), which the kids have to assemble in order to arrange the personalities. This educational puzzle is an excellent game for children above the age of 6 years, who finds it really interesting. How jigsaw puzzles helps to improve your child’s mental development psychologists have observed that if a child plays puzzle regularly it significantly contributes to his or her mental development. This particular world map jigsaw puzzle helps in nurturing the intelligence of a child in following ways: shape recognition – the child will need to recognize the shapes of the puzzle pieces and place them accordingly. Setting small goals – the kid will at times need to develop a strategy to complete the puzzle systematically. Enhances the memory – the child might need to recall the colour, shape and size of the different pieces before placing them. Develop motor skills – every puzzle plays a vital role in developing the motor skills of a child. Eye-hand coordination – when the child turns, flips and removes the puzzles pieces they learn how to bring a balance between their eyes and hands.

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Boosts Cognitive Skills
Engaging and Challenging
Improves Spatial Ability
16 pieces puzzle

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